

厦门上榜国际形象引领型都会 Xiamen: Leader in International Image

内容泉源:PP电子 时间:2024-06-20

6月17日 ,今世中国与天下研究院宣布《中国都会国际形象评估报告》。《报告》围绕国际媒体舆论影响力、外洋新媒体矩阵撒播力、外洋网民关注热度、都会外洋撒播网站建设和都会国际朋侪圈构建等五大维度构建中国都会国际形象指数(City International Image Index, CII) ,对中国337座都会举行了周全的国际形象评估 ,评选出14座国际形象引领型都会 ,其中厦门上榜。

On June 17, the Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies released the "Evaluation Report on the International Image of Chinese Cities." The report set the City International Image Index (CII) based on five dimensions: international media influence, overseas new media communication power, overseas netizen attention, city overseas communication website construction, and city international friendship network building. It evaluated the international image of 337 Chinese cities and identified 14 leading cities for international image, with Xiamen among them.


The 14 leading cities are Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Hangzhou, Chengdu, Nanjing, Qingdao, Ningbo, Xiamen, Shenzhen, Jingdezhen, and Suzhou.


厦门是中国东南沿海的一颗璀璨明珠 ,是享誉天下的海上花园。“高素质的立异创业之城”“高颜值的生态花园之城”是对厦门都会形象最给力、最深情代言。

Xiamen, a dazzling pearl on China’s southeast coast, is renowned as a maritime garden. The city is best known for its high-quality innovation and entrepreneurship environment and its beautiful ecological garden cityscape.

厦门中西文化荟萃 ,历史秘闻深挚 ,是向海而生的开放门户 ,是“海丝”与“陆丝”无缝衔接的主要节点、海峡两岸融合生长先行树模区、金砖国家务实相助的立异基地 ,也是国家明确的“国际性综合交通枢纽”之一。

A melting pot of Eastern and Western cultures with a rich historical heritage, Xiamen is a gateway to the sea and a critical node seamlessly connecting the Maritime Silk Road and the Land Silk Road. It serves as a demonstration zone for cross-Strait integration and a hub for BRICS partnership. Xiamen is also recognized as one of China's international comprehensive transportation hubs.


厦门经济蓬勃生长 ,正加速构建“4+4+6”现代化工业系统 ,深入实验先进制造业倍增妄想 ,打造国际一流营商情形标杆都会 ,立异创业蔚然成风 ,高新手艺工业生长迅速 ,科技集群和科技强度一连两年位居全球都会百强之列。

Xiamen's economy is thriving, with rapid progress in constructing a "4+4+6" modern industrial system and implementing the advanced manufacturing industry multiplication plan. The city is setting a benchmark for an international first-class business environment, fostering a strong culture of innovation and entrepreneurship. Xiamen's high-tech industry is developing swiftly, with its technological clusters and intensity ranking among the global top 100 cities for two consecutive years.


厦门宜居宜业 ,是团结国人居奖都会 ,荣获天下文明都会“六连冠” ,是国家生态文明建设树模区都会 ,一连多年获评“中国年度最佳引才都会” ,也是“外国专家眼中最具潜力的中国都会”。

Xiamen is a city suitable for living and working, having won the United Nations World Habitat Award and being recognized as a National Civilized City for six consecutive terms. It is a national ecological civilization construction demonstration city and has been rated as "China's Best City for Attracting Talent" for several years. Additionally, Xiamen is considered the most promising Chinese city in the eyes of foreign experts.

厦庇五洲客 ,门纳万顷涛”!


"Xiamen, where the world comes together and the ocean meets the shore!" 

We warmly welcome you to explore Xiamen
